工作職責Job responsibility:能夠獨立或與團隊一起進行PLC程序編寫及現場調試,同時兼顧項目范圍內相關聯的其它電氣設備中壓、
低壓等設備的系統性調試工作。Be able to perform PLC programming and site commissioning
independently or with team, and take into account the commissioning of other
related electrical equipment in medium voltage, low voltage, and related
equipment in our project scope.硬件系統集成系統的設計工作,包括但不限于電氣驅動、中壓、低壓、弱電系統、自動化系統等。
System integration engineering, including but not limited to, electric drive,
MV, LV, weak current system, automatic system, etc.1.
According to the project technical documents, responsible for automation system
commissioning, trouble shooting, customer training, etc. Perform commissioning
orderly, according to the related guide. timely collecting, and summarization,
timely find problems, feedback problems, and put forward rectification
suggestions.2. 業務領域主要集中在鋼鐵、礦井提升機、石化、測試臺、船舶等領域。采用西門子的創新技術及解決方案。Mainly focus on
metal, mine winder, oil
低壓等設備的系統性調試工作。Be able to perform PLC programming and site commissioning
independently or with team, and take into account the commissioning of other
related electrical equipment in medium voltage, low voltage, and related
equipment in our project scope.硬件系統集成系統的設計工作,包括但不限于電氣驅動、中壓、低壓、弱電系統、自動化系統等。
System integration engineering, including but not limited to, electric drive,
MV, LV, weak current system, automatic system, etc.1.
According to the project technical documents, responsible for automation system
commissioning, trouble shooting, customer training, etc. Perform commissioning
orderly, according to the related guide. timely collecting, and summarization,
timely find problems, feedback problems, and put forward rectification
suggestions.2. 業務領域主要集中在鋼鐵、礦井提升機、石化、測試臺、船舶等領域。采用西門子的創新技術及解決方案。Mainly focus on
metal, mine winder, oil
- 批發·零售
- 1000人以上
- 外商獨資·外企辦事處
- 朝陽區中環南路7號 西門子大廈