發布:2023-03-18 14:52:26 關注:36472次
中加水與環境安全聯合研發中心(中心)是隸屬于南開大學的國際聯合研發機構,由南開大學,加拿大水技術交流中心 (Canada Water Technology Exchange, CWTX),天津市濱海新區人民政府, 中國國際人才交流協會共同發起組織建立。
1919年成立的南開大學是是國家教育部直屬重點綜合性大學,國家“211工程”和“985工程”重點建設的綜合性研究型大學。中心依托的南開大學環境科學與工程學院成立于1998年, 其前身環境科學系(1983年建系)是我國綜合性大學中最早成立的環境科學系。根據2013年ESI統計,南開大學的環境科學學科進入世界排名前1%。 加拿大水技術交流中心由來自加拿大22所大學的37位水和環境領域世界知名的教授和專家組成,該團隊包括了5名加拿大工程院院士,2名加拿大皇家學院(Royal Society of Canada)院士以及8位加拿大首席科學家(Research Chairs)。加拿大水技術交流中心每年選派研究人員來中心工作。該研發中心以開展水與環境方面的應用研究為主,目前有水/污水治理、城市河流修復、地下水/土壤修復、清潔生產和生態材料開發、智能監測系統等六個研究方向。
本中心面向國內外招聘遙感與GIS,智能監測,生態水文,微生物工程及環境工程等領域常年招聘博士后,培養青年學術帶頭人。海內外著名高校博士畢業,海外高校畢業生優先,以第一作者或者通訊作者在本學科知名國際刊物上發表過2 篇及以上SCI文章者優先;實驗能力強,有編程經驗的人員優先。應聘者請將簡歷以及3位推薦人的聯系方式發送至聯系人郵箱,并按照“畢業學校-所學專業或研究方向--本人姓名”命名郵件,以便我們及時與您溝通,擇優聘請。
Post- Doctorate Opportunities at Sino-Canada Joint R&D Centre on Water and Environmental Safety (Nankai University in Tianjin, China)
Sino-Canada Joint R&D Centre on Water and Environmental Safety (“The Centre”) invites applications from outstanding candidates for Post-Doc positions in the broad area of eco-hydrology and environmental engineering. A research focus in one or more of the following areas would be of particular interest:
? Remote Sensing and GIS
? Climate Change and Eco-hydrology
? Smart Monitoring system
? Numeric Modelling for surface/ground water and urban system
? Water/Wastewater Treatment Technology
? River Restoration technology
? Low Impact Development/Sustainable Infrastructure
The candidates are expecting to have a good track record in publishing journal papers, strong experimental experiences and experiences in computer programing (preferable). The annual salary will be no less than 200K Chinese Yuan (equivalent to 31K USD) and the Nankai University will provide Post-Doc apartments (free of charge). Top kindergarten and Elementary school at Nankai will be available to children of the post-doc fellows.
The Centre is an international joint research institute established by the collaborative efforts of Nankai University, Canada Water Technology Exchange (“CWTX”), People’s Government of Tianjin Binhai New Area (“TBNA”), and China Association for International Exchange of Personnel (“CAIEP”). Founded in 1919, Nankai University is a key comprehensive university supported by “985” and “211” programs by Ministry of Education, China. The Centre is based on the college of environmental science and engineering. The college’s precursor, the department of environmental science, first established the discipline of environmental science in China in 1983 for comprehensive universities. According to ESI statistics, the discipline of environmental science in Nankai University ranked top 1% in the world. A network of 37 premier professors/experts in water and environmental engineering from 22 universities across Canada will work for the Centre. They include 5 Fellows of Canada Academy of Engineering, 2 Fellows of Royal Society of Canada and 8 Research Chairs. The Centre will work towards making breakthroughs in water and environmental innovation and playing an important role in international technology transfer, training of talented experts and building international scientific research teams. The Centre will carry out collaborative research and advanced technology transfer on water and environmental safety in areas such as water/waste-water treatment, urban river restoration, groundwater /soil remediation, clean production and eco-material development, smart monitoring systems and other related areas.
Please send your Curriculum Vitae and the contact information of your 3 references to Ms. Victoria Yu at scwe@nankai.edu.cn. Please title your email by “University-Research Area--Name”. We will invite eligible candidates to attend the interview after the preliminary screening.