發布:2020-10-28 02:54:32 關注:17150次
研究中心背景:the shanghai jiao tong university (sjtu) and the university of california, los angeles (ucla) are linked by common academic interests and seek to develop collaborations and exchanges in fields of shared interest and expertise. sjtu-ucla center for machine perception and inference is involved with creating innovative methodology and solutions using deep and machine learning tailored to the needs of medicine and arts. center co-directors: sjtu prof. wenjun zhang (inaugural recipient of changjiang scholar, national science fund for distinguished young scholar, 973 chief scientist,ieee fellow), ucla prof. demetri terzopoulos (frs, frsc, ieee/acm fellow, oscar technical achievement award laureate) center academic committee: medical advisor prof. ning guang (cae), scientific advisors prof. judea pearl (turning award laureate) etc.
招聘崗位:科研人員 |
招聘人數:1名 |
聘用方式 |
項目聘用a |
招聘條件 |
大學本科(簡稱“大學”)及以上學歷,學士及以上學位 ·計算機、數學統計相關學歷·在ai視覺領域有扎實的理解和工程實現能力·曾發表于計算機視覺、醫療影像或相關領域的會議或期刊·對ai領域有極強的激情和好奇心并有快速學習能力·工作有規劃條理,注意細節;有團隊合作意識和溝通能力·有3年以上使用深度卷積網絡解決分類、目標識別和分割問題經驗優先·熟悉至少一個深度學習框架·有醫學影像經驗或視頻處理優先 |
崗位職責 |
·在計算機視覺、醫療影像領域帶領學生開展研究·申報國家級/省部級項目·協助課題組日常運營 |
崗位待遇 |
面談 |
其他 |
有意者請在系統中應聘,并發郵件到caoyuedi@sjtu.edu.cn,包括:1.個人cv:包括你的學歷、專業、工作經歷等內容;2.求職申請:簡要說明你為何想要申請這一職位;3.相關證書:請附上電子文本。 |
聯系方式 |
聯系人:曹老師 tel:;e-mail:caoyuedi@sjtu.edu.cn,郵件標題注明:應聘某某崗位+本人姓名+高校人才網。 聯系地址:上海市閔行區東川路800號 |